Put Your House on the 

SENIC encourages local homeowners and property owners to seek placement of their historic Southeast Yakima property on the Yakima Local Register of Historic Places.  At some time in the near future SENIC plans to pursue forming one or more local or national historic districts in our neighborhood.  Properties in these districts and individual properties on the local register can receive substantial tax benefits for investment in appropriate capital improvement projects.  Investing in the past is an investment in the future. 

Don't do anything to your building [for example remove original wood siding or trim, replace wood windows with vinyl or change the street face of your house by adding on or filling in the front porch] without first determining if you potentially qualify for the local historic register. Changes to the appearance of your house can destroy your ability to qualify for property tax relief. These substantial tax relief benefits are a valuable asset that stay with the house even if you sell it. You will have difficulty qualifying for the property tax benefits if you cover up or remove the elements and details that define your home as historic.


Are you trying to find the Yakima Local Historic  Property nomination forms online?  It is a bit tricky, but here is how we find them.  Go to http://www.ci.yakima.wa.us/hpc/forms.asp  
then click on the three choices to down load forms [nomination form guide, nomination form itself, and form continuation sheets] that you can print a hard copy of or fill in online.  They are Microsoft Word documents.

Other Useful sites:
Historic District How To:
Historic District Concerns:
Economic Benefits of Historic Districts

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